"The most important thing I learned is that soldiers watch what their leaders do. You can give them classes and lecture them forever, but it is your personal example they will follow."


Steven Asplund

Junior Vice - Post 660

Glenn Rodgers

Quartermaster - Post 660

Edward Ellis

House Chairman - Post 660

Charles Fillyaw

Commander - Army - Post 660

Justin “Hazmat” Howe

Senior Vice/Adjutant - Army - Post 660

Jen Klipper

Assistant Service Officer - Army - Post 660

Ricky Morgan

Assistant Quartermaster - Air Force - Post 660

Pierce Gilbert III

Service Officer - Marines - Post 660

Mircea Vasile Georgescu

Chaplain - Army - Post 660


Kurt Malinowski

President - Post 660

Todd Carvell

Senior Vice - Post 660

Jennifer Thompson

Junior Vice - Post 660

Jean Ross

Treasurer - Post 660

Laurie “Heather” Alkire

Secretary - Post 660

Pat Hardin

Conductress - Post 660

Debra Hoskings

Guard - Air Force - Post 660

Carl Nicodermus

Chaplain - Post 660